Organizational visions, mission statements, and core values can often be little more than words. What makes these things TRULY meaningful are the communities that come together and put boots-on-the-ground that turn rhetoric into reality. At Trenton ISD, we are so thankful for all of the students, families, staff members, and community partners who sacrifice time and effort to make sure these statements are MORE than just words:
TRENTON ISD VISION STATEMENT The Vision of Trenton I.S.D. is to grow students and staff to create a better future for all.
TRENTON ISD MISSION STATEMENT Trenton I.S.D. acknowledges that students are individuals who learn in different ways, at different times, and at different rates. As we partner with families and the community, it is our responsibility to take these students at their points of development and advance them to their highest potential in an orderly, safe, positive climate conducive to teaching and learning.
We are proud to be Trenton Tigers!